Supervisory board member

Stephan Sturm


PositionSupervisory board member
Date of birthJune 30, 1963
PersonalMarried, two children
1982 to 1988Graduated in economics and business administration studies from Mannheim University
1989 to 1991Associate at McKinsey & Co. in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt
1991 to 2004Investment banker at BHF–Bank, UBS and Credit Suisse in Frankfurt and London
2005 to 2022Chief financial officer, and from 2016 chief executive officer, of Fresenius in Bad Homburg
Since 2023Chairperson of the Thiele Family Foundation in Oberhaching, near Munich
InterestsCharity work (including aid for Ukraine, patronage of municipal theatres, board of trustees of Schauspiel Frankfurt theatre company
Foundation board of the Frankfurt School of Finance)

Members of the supervisory board